when did you first know you were LGBT?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Twizzler, Aug 19, 2014.

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  1. Don't get me wrong I totally support LGBT.  Just being a curious forum stalker. 
  2.  why scare you?
  3.  I think gay men wanna touch me
  4. Generally we don't wanna touch other guys cause you know. Get beat up for even looking at a guy weird sometimes
  5. I think you're safe unless it's an inconsiderate person
  6. sure talk to me while you fap to me
  7. I could go on and on about this topic tbh  but I kinda have to say that the reason why I'm out is because in my family it was kinda like "gay is ok but straight is even better." I have a really strained relationship with my mother which is why she doesn't know, and in a way this is my way to get back at her, ya know? Around everyone else I'm out and proud.
  8. And that's why they don't wanna touch you  bc you're the hottest piece of  ever
  9. Goddammit. Bc you think you're*
  11. i'm hetrosexual. But this is a pretty interesting discussion ? i always thought it was something you were just born with. except when experiences in life made you choose to be LGBor T
  12. Panda you can't choose to not be straight  I mentioned it in a previous post but scientists have found that it's in someone genes. It's like an epigenome.

    IF doctors/scientists were so SMART THEY WOULDA INVENTED/CREATED BETTER tasting medicine by now!!
  14. They truly need better tasting medicine.
  15. I concur. But bubblegum flavor ain't too bad
  16. I'd take crappy flavored medicine over people's ignorance any day  not a choice
  17. But I don't like bubble gum flavor </3
  19. So they need to make medicine taste better.
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