when did you first know you were LGBT?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Twizzler, Aug 19, 2014.

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  1. identity crisis. help me :cry:
  2. So much more support than I expected tbh. I LOVE YOU ALL
  3. Love you too! Cool stranger who made a good fourm ?
  4. Aww Svet ._. And I kinda feel like this isn't brought up enough, but saying anything the "norm" or normal. I get you intentions but that's kinda implying that being gay isn't normal. And it totally completely is. It's a science  Studies have found that it's in your genes, no possible way you could choose to be gay. And I mean now, 1 in 3 people isn't straight so, yay for all the gaybies  hopefully this'll lead to less ignorant people who don't see it as just love >_>
  5. This is a thread? noob..
  6. I knew at 10 I was lesbian
  7. Thank you Sasha ^_^
  8. i knew at an early age that i was straight lol but i have a few lgbt friends and i respect them and support them fully
  9. I didn't mean too be offensive  sorry
  10. I knew when I was 13 I came out at 13
  11. I'm so happy you're all sharing. No matter what out or not we're here for ya on pimd if it's anything
  12. I have a question. Why do some people make such a big deal about being gay or lesbian? This is not meant in an inflammatory way.....I just notice how some people have to proclaim it to the world. please don't kill meh.
  13. I understand. I think for me personally it's because there's such a stigma around it that I want to stand up. I don't want some kid to figure out they're gay, trans, lesbian, asexual or whatever and only see hate. I want society to be like okay so they have a voice
  14. I think a lot of people in lgbt have always known but it's something repressed for so long. If ever, media is the one making too much of a big deal about it. Regular people just want it known and wanna be proud of themselves and be treated like everyone else.
  15. Yeah that's true
  16. I've always known but hid it for a long time ? still partially hidden about it 
  17. Well we all have different circumstances ^_^ if you can't be fully out in sure you have your reasons but I hope one day it'll change
  18. I'm straight but I fully support LGBT. I mean just think if ur straight and u were online dating and the guy pulled off his mask and turned out to be a girl. Would u really shoot them down after all the things you've been through. No. No u wouldnt
  19. LGBT people scare me
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