Do Not Disturb Button

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by That_Witch_BunBun, Aug 19, 2014.

  1. So my friend and I Mr_terry_dino_slore (hope I didn't butcher that) were discussing how I pm'd him at a weird time. So we came up with an idea, do not disturb button.

    So for starters if your available to talk you would switch it to green, switching to red means do not disturb, and yellow means pissy mood.

    Post support or no support down below

    this may or may not be a joke thread.
  2. 24/7 Red :roll:
  3. You butchered it?

    If only I wasn't perm silenced.
  5. Yeah just pm'd him to look and noticed. ?? oops sorry terry!
  6. ? Support.
    Dun fuck with me when I don't want to talk.

    If it's that important, find my third party app. 
  7. Mine would perm be on pissy mood just to mess with people 
  8. you could always just ignore the messages .. I had 12 pms because I was pissy one day buuut for Terry.. SUPPORT
  9. Nikki I have 25 I'm still ignoring D:
  10. ?
    No no.

    You need a button that can hide when you're online so when people pm you, they won't know you're ignoring them.
  11. You could forget and accidentally leave it on XD
  12. Support !
  13. ? let's add the invisible button as well frozen.
  14. Isn't the do not disturb button the block button?
  15. ...Thats a good point
  16. Not really foot :| that's more of I don't wanna hear your bull, stay off my wall type of button.
  17. So if you don't want to be disturbed maybe you could just not log on?or ignore the pm like many others do? Seems like a far more simple solution than getting ata to develop something like a do not disturb button. What i really want is a clear wall button️
  18. ? foot read the tiny text shhh ?