✏️Sug will draw it for you!✏️

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 00_Sugar, Aug 14, 2014.

  1. Stop fighting! 
  2. Not really a fight ?
  3. Yet your the one losing since you can't win the fight.

  4.  K dance fairy.
    Still waiting on that selfie you've been promising for 20 pages.
  5. Funny hoe you stop posting ?

  6. @NiKKi

    Two more will be posted tomorrow! 
  7. 
    I love it
  8. I love it  can't wait to see more 
  9. Very nice, Sugar!
  10. I want to be drawn but idk how to post a pic. Wall me and tell me or follow me please.
  11. Thanks guys!  sorry the churn out is slower then expected! I'm a busy working ? ya see 
  12. Can u do a seamonkey drawing?? :)
  13. [​IMG]

    Draw me as well please or a charmander!!!!! 