Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Potato-of-Dreams, Aug 18, 2014.

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  1. Depressed people definitely aren't doing it for attention. When people are depressed for long periods of time, like many with chronic depression are, their support systems crumble, leading to lonliness and making the depression even worse. It's not just "in their heads", and they can't just "get over it", "snap themselves out of it", or "pull themselves up by their boot straps", like people may suggest to them. This is actually one of the most hurtful things you can tell someone who is suffering from a pervasive mental illness.

    It's a physical chemical imbalance going on inside the brain, and it affects the whole body. Many depressed people have weakened immune systems, sleeping problems, physical pain, hormonal imbalances, digestive problems, and many other physical symptoms. Imagine telling someone with diabetes, well just get over it and stop taking your insulin, you're obviously just doing this to get symapthy. But people suffering from depression and other mental illnesses hear these type of messages commonly, even from those close to them. This can lead to delays in care, and cause them to blame themselves for a disease that is out of their control.

    What you can do for someone who is depressed or mentally ill is be their friend. It may be difficult because they may have periods where they isolate, get angry easily, or even seem overly confident and cheerful. But being there for them can make such a difference. Even occasional phone calls or remembering them on the holidays can mean that they aren't suffering in silence. You may then also be able to spot the warning signs that they are becoming suicidal and save a life.
  2. Thankyou for your input Stella, and I agree with everything you say. 
  3. You say it doesn't happen in their heads but everything you said afterwards proved it is... 
  4. I only go as far as the ridiculousness of these threads make me go
  5. _- JackSparrow-_ is a sick f'cking pervert child molesting pedophile!!! Who gets off on father  & daughter  RP scenes!!!
  6. What they imagine is in there heads, what happens as a consequence of this is definitely not in there heads, they see it clear as day
  7. What really bothers me is when people use these words wrong. I have had depression. I have had suicidal thoughts. Depression is not just extreme sadness, it's when you start to believe that things aren't going to get any better, or when you start asking questions like "What's the point of living?" or "Would anyone even care if I died?". To anyone reading this I promise it will get better, and trust me there's always people who'd care even if you've forgotten about them.
  8. Exactly, the depression is not something they are just imagining.
  9. Too long didn't read
  10. Mike, what was the point in commenting then?
  11. Stella, dead, thank you for you inputs, I hope that even one person may have read your posts and realised something
  12. What's the point of discussing suicide of a fantasy free app game? find a friend losers
  13. I have friends, that's why I am making this thread, I have lost too many of them
  14. Get non emo friends bruh and stay away from hot topic
  15. The ignorance in this thread is too much, remember that saying you were told as a kid? If you have nothing good to say, don't say anything. Oh and the golden rule, "Treat other the way you wanna be treated." Got it? Good
  16. Hold the fuck up
    Spitfire Jax etc. "All the trolls" need to leave. . Leave op alone.
    I agree this isnt the place for a suicide thread but really guys? Whats the point in what you're doing. You guys are a bunch of assholes not trolls.

    Hate on me. i dare you.
  17. This forum is not the place for these types of discussions ? what don't you understand?
    Let's have a dance off than cat cafe than talk about suicide?Really? You wanna make a stand sound important mature take it to fb right? PIMD is a fantasy role play game like it or not
  18. Op its a good thread hun pimd just isnt the place for this.
    Dont listen to the jackasses they want to make you mad.
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