need workout advice and diet tips

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *RENAMED8262014 (01), Aug 18, 2014.

  1. :lol: OMG I lol'd so hard.
  2. Follow the guidelines of iifym
  3. i bet grape feels cool because he can talk crap to A man behind his phone,good for u my man lmao
  4. Oh and you're 19 you said? Go for 190-200lbs
  5. I suggest also looking up work out routines, you can't be doing the same work out consistently so make sure you try different work outs. You have to shock the muscles. 
  6. my main concern is my genetics,I've always been skinnyfat,meaning skinny without abs or muscle definition
  7. That's because you're still a baby. You've got to grow out of that fat.
  8. I suggest talking to your doctor about that problem. It could be the way you are currently eating, your body could be underweight. For a person of your hight you should actually be around 170-180. Still talk to your doctor man. They can sort things out and tell you the real deal.
  9. I started out skinny.. But still managed to gain muscles by consuming protein and grains. But like elite said, make sure you're always always full. Or eat atleast 4-5 times a day.
  10. still a baby? im 19 bro -.-
  11. This made me LOOOL so hard.

    Grape FTW 
  12. Op looks like a dyke 14 year old in the pic.