Final Goodbye...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DrKevorkian, Aug 18, 2014.

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  1. Yup it's about that time. Pimd is now just a shell of its former self. Game is boring and the devs keep fucking their shit up and making this game less fun.

    To all those I call friends, it was great knowing all you and I hope rl treats you well. I'll miss you all

    To the people I don't care about, eat a dick.
  2. should come here Hun and help me ️️
  3. Bye ?
    Nice knowing you.
    Evil was fun.
  4. Good luck bro
  5. Good luck in life
  6. Gimme yo showcase items :lol:
  7. Love you Wallace!
  8. Hasta la vista, Wallace.
  9. God bless you?Even though you blocked me your a good pimd player???Not like some of these people on here?
  10. Wish you all the best bro! Peace
  11. See ya Wally, take care in rl.
  12. Wow it's come done to you making a crybaby quit thread on a free phone game. Pathetic
  13. Bye Wallace. Good luck in real life.
  14. Another cry baby quitting
  15. Why is Wallace so upset?
  16. He's not upset, lol.
  17. im gonna miss your {[Snailed it]} 
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