Same here she's the crazy type.... I just realized why Aj and Paige are fighting their can only be one crazy girl
grow up wwe is so fake if u watch replays ull notice punches dont eveven reach the oponent face common someone got hit face first on STEEL ladder and still doesnt feel a shit as for piledriver the oponent hit doesnt hit the ground look at undertaker doing it to rey mysterio wrestlers dont bleed from hits referees hand them sharp steel to bust themselves open all matches are scripted common can u imagine the love triangle angle : where aj lee made out with three men how gross is that and fake and wwe doesnt care abt quality as long as its making money can u imagine they fired 3 veteran script writer coz wwe revenue decreased this quarter wwe has health policy but still give its wrestlers drugs and punish those who only doesnt kiss vincent kenedy jr butt some wwe material can be offensive who can forget the kiss my ass club vince macmahon started or when he launched the : macmahonism religion and church of macmahonism thats enough for now scuds
i like WWE, i also understand its fake lol, everything on TV with the exception of sports and news are fake and even those can be questioned maybe back in the day they tried to pretend it was real but even Vince McMahon would tell you its only entertainment now. its simply another tv show, much like The Big Bang Theory or The Walking Dead, i support :mrgreen:
The outcomes of these matches maybe fake but the injuries and and pain they sustain are very real. If you don't watch you think they give a fuck? They make more money in about 3 hours and most of us won't even come close to that amount of money in our life time.
Blunty... And then you took the words right out of my mouth. Oh it must have been while you were kissing me. You took the words right out of my mouth. And I swear it's true, I was just about to say I love you. And then you took the words right out of my mouth. Oh it must have been while you were kissing me. You took the words right out of my mouth. And I swear it's true, I was just about to say I love you.
TNA is not better. They are definitely trying to be though. Watching Dixie Carter get slammed through a table was beautiful to watch
I watch ring of honor more than wwe or tna. Most of the guys there at least have the heart Into their matches. Plus I'm a huge Jimmy Jacobs mark.
Brock distroyed Cena!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nuff said.
I'm really personally pissed at Nikki Bella! How the fuck could she. Stephanie was getting her ass owned and then Nikki did that shit.
Steph I knew she'd win and lol some of you guys buy into these characters so easily it's cute
That's the sane thing as loving someone on the walking dead or loving someone on a video game Trevor Philips FTW
Brock about bored me to death, doing his German duplex over and over. I mean try something new man. :| I have faith in Cena he'll get them belts back.