need workout advice and diet tips

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *RENAMED8262014 (01), Aug 18, 2014.

  1. im 5'10 160 lbs,i don't workout at all but i walk alot and uhh i basically eat whatever i want,and i need some tips on how to eat healthier and get lean,and i need some workout tips to get muscular also,(preferably chest,back,arms and abdominals are my main focus)my goal is to be 170-180 lbs (lean) i basically want to achieve this physique,just to look impressive Fuck more people up,Fuck more chicks and all that good stuff haha,any tips would be great,and none of you ass holes better troll me or ill beat your ass,pic posted below

  2. Drink a shit ton of water and sleep is important.
  3.  Never skip leg day.. Unless looking like a chicken is what you're aiming for..
  4. You should do cardio and weight lifting.
    Visit the gym at least 5x a day.
    Replace fast food with salads.
    Try being a dancer. (It adds 50% more charm)
  5. Delete this app you sack of shit
  6. suck my balls fagboi
  7. Tip: never use that pic as a dp anywhere, makes it look like you have breasts.
  8.  What the hell is censoring your eyes going to do?
  9. Aren't you the guy who "went to prison" and is looking for girls who like bad boys?
  10. I know you were someone's ass candy in prison ?
  11. Those are some lovely asterisks.
  12. "No one better troll me or I'll beat your ass."
    ? Please tell me how you're going to do that over a phone?
  13. He looks like the guy that tried to sell crack while I was about to drive home from school.
  14. This thread made my day. Thanks. :lol:

  15. Justin 
  16.  Obviously you need to go back to school.
    Nothing he said was racist.