kelon is hot

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by cashmerecat, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. Yes, he thought I was hot by how badly I treated him, ask J31, she witnessed it.
  2. My thot detector is going off
  3. Is that all you can come up with? Call me stupid, a thot and ugly?How old are you? 13?
  4. I like how you talk about him when hes not here to defend himself

    luckily im here

    domi the only girl kelon likes is ________

    but u know it idnt you THOT

    HES WAY MUCH oldee than u little kid
  5. Lol ur 13 dominique.

    im done replying to thots
    remove yourself from my thread
    thx bye
  6. At least she can spell kelon. Go find some other way to pass your time, this is sad 
  7. I dont think thot is a insault anymore
  8. Domi, you're in demand huh?
  9. Yes, you, one of his many alts, or... Do you really like him? and you're mad because he gave me more attention over the past few years then he ever will in your life?
    Yes, I'm a kid compared to most the adults here? 17 is young, can't vote, can't drink... Hell I can't even get a tattoo without my parents permissionbut whatever
  10. It's sad how someone would make a fake account of his ex, then make a thread dedicated to himself.
  11. I keep getting younger guys!!! First im 15 now I'm 13!!
    And apparently so Justin :roll: I'll just go asexual No one can please you like yourself
  12. Btw thanks Dana and Junnii
  13. And yes it is an alt haha, I've been harassed too
  14. I could tell when you called him Kelon and he deleted the comment
  15. That's definitely Kelon.Cashmerecat changed her name and you took it...
  16. Flattering  he dedicates his alts to me
  17. Domi.

    Kelon's an ass sometimes. We used to be good friends. A word of advice, the only way to defeat him is to ignore him.
  18. Well this thread got derailed quickly lol..