:roll: Kelon you have to make a love thread about yourself. That picture you've seen of me? 2 years old. Nice try though I love how I look, no one on this app can break my self esteem
I don't know if you want him Junnii :roll: he made a love thread about himself so people believe he's actually loveable
I'm a dumb thot? One Kelon obsessed over for literally years. Sweetie once again you can't hurt me
Dominique you are the one with no friends How do you think i got all of your info? they dont care about your fake ass you are delousional stupid thot ily kelon plz forgive me for talking dirty
Who gave it to you then?️ inform me. And yea Justin... It's creepy af... Post the picture. It's a game.
Kelon you talk so highly of yourself when you're nothing. Come on, it's a game guess what? If I get harassed, I delete it and move on with my life shocker? Not really.