kelon is hot

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by cashmerecat, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. If i cant habe him NO OME CAN
  2. No ome? Ome can't have him then :roll:
  3. Aw name thief ️ cute
  4. Domi u mad cause i blocked ir ugly ass LOLOLOL
  5. :roll: Kelon you have to make a love thread about yourself. That picture you've seen of me? 2 years old. Nice try though
    I love how I look, no one on this app can break my self esteem
  6. Ome well i guess i can have him
  7. LOL u thibk im him? i wish i waz him

  8. I don't know if you want him Junnii :roll: he made a love thread about himself so people believe he's actually loveable
  9. You just did though
    Don't lie we all know only you love yourself~
  10. Well hes thirsty for himself so that confirms he looks like a horses ass
  11. Im crying tears of joy Dominique

    u are clearly a dumb thot
  12. I'm a dumb thot? One Kelon obsessed over for literally years. Sweetie once again you can't hurt me
  13. Dominique

    you are the one with no friends
    How do you think i got all of your info? they dont care about your fake ass
    you are delousional

    stupid thot

    ily kelon plz forgive me for talking dirty
  14. Lol Domi, Kelon tried hitting on you?
  15. Who gave it to you then?️ inform me. And yea Justin... It's creepy af... Post the picture. It's a game.
  16. Ill let ata ban u
    shes 15 guys
  17. Kelon you talk so highly of yourself when you're nothing. Come on, it's a game guess what? If I get harassed, I delete it and move on with my life shocker? Not really. 
  18. Wrong again Kelon, you got misinformation, I'm older than that
  19. So he was obsessed with you? 
  20. That picture? Took that sophomore year, I could show you my senior id for my school