Name Game 

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -_A_-DJ, Aug 18, 2014.

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  1. Ok so I'm trying to think of a new name and I can't so I decided to turn to the wonderful and creative ppl of PIMD I need 2 names one for this acct and another for one of my Alts ? Ok so this is how it works the person/people who come up with best names each win a bikini if the same person came up with both then they win 2 bikinisall I ask is the name comes with the REHAB TAG for example: Rehab_???
    So good luck to everyone  feel free to enter as many times as u wish
  2. Rehab_DJ_TheDudeWhosFollowedMeForeverButNeverSpeaks
  3. Please don't post here post on other one not sure why it made 2 I will have a mod lock this thread any ppl who post here will not be considered for the prize
  4. Thats ok to many characters to win anyways.

    In before lock!
  5. Locking per OP request
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