A Whole Half

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iDontLikePeople2, Aug 17, 2014.

  1. So I met up with my brother the other week for coffee and for some reason er starting discussion food. We were talking about what we had for dinner the previous night and Sam said "I ate a whole half a chicken!"

    This got me thinking. Can you have a whole half of something. Like an entire half? For example, you cut a sandwich in half. You have two whole halves. But if you take a bite out of one of the halves, it's no longer a whole half, is it?

    So what I'm asking is: does it make sense to have a whole half of something?
  2. We started discussing*
  3. I think it makes sense...
  4. Yes!! ?Whenever I have lunch with my friends I always get half a sandwich (when i order a sandwich), and then we always get in a debate about whether or not thats a thing it most certainty is. You can have a whole half?
  5. yeah, you can have half of anything :?