ATA, You Should Listen To Our Feedback

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Risen-From-The_Dead, Aug 14, 2014.

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  1. As of recently, everyone knows ATA is all about the money. Introductions of the Cat parties and unlimited DN's are generating copious amounts of cash for you. While many don't approve, you are a business and that is your goal. Now, to my point! We have had many ideas listed and supported here in Forums. Idea's such as allowing gifts to be sent in multiples, just like pots are bought. Allowing us to arrange our own showcases is another. I can go on and on.
  2. Sorry, I got cut off.

    It would be nice to know that we are being heard. Many ideas listed and supported here in Forums are great ideas and would go a long way in helping the game be more enjoyable. In the end, you're goal should be to listen to your customers. That's what keeps a business running and profitable.

    Thank you!
  3. Support.
    ッ 
  4. 
  5. SUPPORT ️
  6. Support! Sup! Port!
  7. "The customer is always right"
  8. Support of course!
  9. Just wanted to say, we ARE actively going through your guys' feedback, even if we don't always post to your threads.

    While we can't always do exactly what you guys suggest, your thoughts and opinions do affect what we plan.

    We've just been spending more time making stuff than posting about it lately. ;)
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