I prefer men.? ?#TeamBi #DogsWillRulePimdopsDidIJustSayThatYouWerentSupposedToKnowThatGahNowTheDevsAreOntoMeUhhhJustForgetYouReadThisHashtag
I've never had an actual relationship with a woman but I have had feelings for one. I'm with #teamwhatevermakesyouhappy .. Shouldn't matter if it's a boy or girl, as long as you feel loved and they treat you right <3
I don't quite understand everyone hopping on the "love who you want" train when this was more like a survey of which you prefer.
I think that it doesn't matter which one,everyone has their own likings I guess,its normal,if ur gay,bi,straight,it doesn't matter,its who u r,whatever u , that's what makes u u!