Sooo I was bored on regin and saw this fight on walls and ofc I comment and got blocked...why does people have to bring up dead loved ones. this is only a game stop treating it like it's real I thought to myself when someone stoops that low they must be butthurt true? And then I think everyone loves crap talking cause it's part of the game but some take it way to serious. Now when people get to serious and block people cause they don't like what u had to say then erase there wall like a chump and say oh I burned you that just means... And then everyone else is sitting here like..... But then someone sits there and says you stalk them on third party app and ofc ur blocked so can't comment so ur like... Soooo for all you butthurt people out there that take this game way to far put ur device down and go out side to fresh air then come back and for the people that try n troll this and say u should take ur own advice I'm bored so I decided to make a thread and also I don't take this game serious And to all the butthurt people here's some advice i hope this all works (I hope the pics work this time )
Omg yes I feel the emos otw here to cry and try trash talk omg but they mad bcuz is true ? the girls act like amanda todd so all ya emo hatin girls go drink bleach and hang self NO EMOs A LoUad
The "I don't always say something stupid" totally describes this one noob I know ? not mentioning names but he's smooth ? whoops I mentioned names oh well