This is Fan Fiction. It is not the place for posting things like this. Please move these kinds of threads to Off-Topic. Thank you.
Well you should care. And if you don't care then you should leave. We don't appreciate your kind here and we will not make your stay pleasant >.>
No offense but I agree with everyone else I like Problem but u WILL get banned if u keep on doing this.
Well I see things still haven't changed from how they were 3 years ago at all. That was the reason I left before. Although it doesn't seem as bad as it was back then...
Yeah maybe. But way back in 2012 homestuck was gaining popularity and so there were like 25 different rp threads created daily and the legit stories that people were writing got completely buried every day (including mine, which pissed me off, and that's why I left)
Wow, were you really? Remember me? I used to be OttoMalpense, Wing_Fanchu_Skullduggery and 12th_Doctor_Malpense. I wrote Outsiders of PIMD
I've never here for like three years now 0.0 I joined PIMD in 2011, and FF too. It was great and got crap but now it's getting better. Ish. But probably just because it's dead .-.