Drop penalty removed for 24 hrs

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -Juubi-, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. ️exactly.i feel like instead of starting to play in the beginning I could start last year and still probably become T6 fasterNow have way to much cash in dead tutors.
  2. It's a nice idea, but everyone could dv endlessly and both earn money. So many people could easily earn enough to bc if they were determined enough.
  3. How bout making it the same instead of a 40% drop loss like usual they make it a 20% loss like the bank?
  4. Angel that's why tutor hires would be disabled for the duration of the 24 hours
  5. And yes even 20% would at least a good compromise tweak if they did anything I would be more then happy with that which I'm sure everyone else would
  6. Shameless bump
  7. Last time didn't they do It with the stipulation that it only applied to tutors you already owned? That could work again. I do believe this needs to happen especially with the amount of people who've quit over the direction this game has taken.
  8. Thank you Roy.You are 100% correct.I believe this would be crucial to kick starting the market and the game back to where it should be.We need our refresh.
  9. If they did it back then there's no reason why they wouldn't be able to again.
  10. Support, and maybe remove that portion of profit also to avoid drop volley.
  11. Yes no profit️just an apportunity to dump few year old tutors and such
  12. Juubaayy >:D
    Stop overpricing your damn tutors, blondie
  13. I am guilty
  14. I will keep this thread afloat until ATA gets a chance to consider?
  15. No support
  16. If this is put into place I will DV to my max and drop for 100% refund for the full 24 hours 
  17. No support

    I get that it sucks ppl may go inactive bit thats the chance you take with any tut you hire. This isn't something new.

    Ata gave ppl 1st 1/3 off on prices then even helped bc players have some off also.

    Fact is many would abuse this before it would even help. Hell I would grow my alt hella fast if this happened. So I know many others will aswell. The 60% is in place for a reason and it is fine at that. I mean hell we could have KaW's drop percentage and it's only 20%.
  18. I agree and understand Ric's point on pg 4 also. It was only done once after ata made changes.
  19. I'm failing to see where both of you think this can be abused if it's been done before with fail safes to prevent any loopholes.