Loving you.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *12th_Doctor_Malpense (01), Apr 24, 2012.

  1. I love this.
  2. Well done Otto. Who's the guy you experimented with? Pm me
  3. Pm me too
  4.  It was great! Amazing ;3

  5. Imma bump this since I may want to continue writing soon... Since its been a while...
  6. Yeah sorry it's been a while and I missed this place so I am debating on finishing up some old stories I've written... And I enjoyed this one but barely wrote any of it on here... (The rest is written btw)
  7. Go on. Update. Bump
  8. Yeah, I will. Sorry, I have to find the finished story and... Actually, y'know what? Lots of things happened since that story involving those particular people, I think I'll continue anew. However you'll have an update after I move into college on Sunday!
  9. Ooooh, I like it! Wall me when updated please?
  10. i like this!
  11. <b> First "Date" </b>

    I walk on to 3rd period, thinking. It has been months now since I first met my new friendgroup. I still had the biggest crush on Emily, and still enjoyed talking waaaaay too much to Hannah. When it came down to it, they were both drop-dead gorgeous (although I guess now that I think about it they were so in a very nerdy way.) So what made me like Emily so much more? She was very often times cold and logical, didn't really think with her emotions as much as her brains. Not a logical choice for a guy that tries to feel empathy towards others and is extremely emotional oftentimes. But I guess there was something about the fact that her geniusness (is that a word? Oh well, just roll with it.) was so high that she was on another level or two above me. She introduced me to a few TV shows that I am currently obsessing over. Unfortunately for me, I end up brooding and thinking of her whenever I see them, because watching them with her are my first memories of the history of that show.
    Hannah was also smart. As smart as, if not smarter than Emily. I guess something about her made me want to be her friend, and nothing more. There was a slight crush, like when I'd blush whenever she looked at me. I like to think that what I had felt about Hannah was admiration, rivalry, etc. anything but an actual crush. We were both writers so, logically, we'd talk about writing.

    As I walk on to class I notice a flock of black hair disappear around the corner. Something wells up inside of me, and I finally decide that I really can do it. I half-jog, half-sprint towards where I thought she would be and, what do you know, there she is. Walking by herself trying to avoid everyone else. I catch up to her just in time and put my hand around her shoulder then my brain almost freezes up. I don't exactly flirt well, and I have certainly never asked anyone out. My entire life, I have always been the askee not the asker. I manage to mumble something along the lines of "DoyouwannagotoSherlock2withmethisSaturday?" And it was said almost exactly like that. In one breath. Smooth. (All sarcasm in the last one-word sentence was completely and irrevocably intended)
    She giggled. I blushed. "That's a good sign at least. Seems like she likes the idea." I thought to myself.
    "Sure." She answers. "Is Hannah going?" My heart drops. In her mind there wasn't even a question of whether its an actual date or not. It hasn't been even conceived in her mind. Like I said: cold and logical, not emotional.
    I smile as widely and as enthusiastically as I can. "I haven't yet, but I was going to ask in fourth period."
    "Great! See you in a few days!" And she walked on.
    I continued on through the day, at the end of which I did actually ask Hannah to go as well. May not have been a date, but it sure was fun.

    (There are way more friends involved in this story btw but I guess these two and my relationship with them will be what my focus is)
  12. Oh, damn. Bb coding is not HTML coding brackets... Anyway you guys get the point though...