H2O: an underworld love story

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Zendaya-_, Aug 1, 2014.

  1. I forgot to add that Eglantine is also a mermaid.
    "Oh ok. And who knows?"

    "Only Alyson."

    "Ok. And I promise I won't tell anyone."

    " ok thanks. And look, I really appreciate that were you trying to help us. "

    " yeah, well it may have been a little bit more having to do with you."

    Ok. So that made me blush.

    "Oh, so your a sweet talker are you?"

    "Only 'cuz your beautiful. "

    "And how should I know thats not just one of your lines?"

    "Do I look like I have lines?" He asked smiling.
    Chapter 5

    A few minutes later mom, Valerie and Sammy came up with an ice pack and snacks. They all sat on the bed with me and we watched movies with me all day. Even Claire and Sandy watched with us when they came home from school.

    Valerie and Sammy ended up spending the night. We talked about shcool, my cheek, and boys (I didn't tell them about Parker).

    At around 2 in the morning we decided we would watch a couple more movies, so they when down to the kitchen to get food and drinks I popped in a movie.

    Suddenly I heard something hit against the window. I pulled back the curtain and looked out.

  2. So good!!!!! Wall me when updated.
  3. Keep going come on. Update BUMP BUMP BUMP BUMP BUMP BUMP BUMP BUMP.Update and more bumps on the way
  4. Interesting .-. I'm liking it :3 wall me when updated again please?
  5. Chapter 6

    "What the hell?!" I wisper screamed at him. I actually suprised my self then. Even though hell wasn't really a bad word, my parents didn't want me to say it and I usually play by the rules (well most of the time).

    "Im sorry I just...I just had to see you".

    "At 2:30 in the morning?"

    "I know it was stupid of me, but I couldn't sleep and I just..." he started. "Can we talk?"

    "Ok I'll be down in a minute."

    I looked down at what I was wearing. I had changed out of my clothes from earlier today and into a size to big red tank top and my blue boxers with black polka dots. Crap. I changed back into my out fit from earlier, an a
    old pair of ripped cutoffs, my favorite rolling stones t-shirt,and I pulled on my uggs. I ran down the stairs curious about why Parker wanted to see me so late.

    Walked past Sammy and Valerie as they gave me weird looks. "Where are you going?"

    "Umm...I just have to go check on something. " I lied. I didn't dare tell them that one of our best friends for 6 years is throwing acorns at my window. They'd never let me live it down.

    I walked out the door to see him standing in the front yard. He looked so cute. I hushed the voices in my head and walked up to him.

    "Hey." I said.


    "So...why are you here so freaking late?"

    "I... I....I needed to tell you something. "


    "Nevermind. I can't now. Its to hard."

    "Oh come on you can tell me any thing. We've been friends since forever."

    "Thats the point. I just CAN'T."

    I rubbed his arm. "Come on. Just tell me."

    "I... I..."

    I sighed.

    "Fine. If you can't tell me, then show me. Can you do that?"

    And thats when he grabbed my waist, pulled me in tighter, and hissed me."
  6. Correction.

    And thats when he grabbed my waist, pulled me in tighter, and KISSED me.
  7. Lol, wall me when updated again please
  8. This is really nice, just proof reading will help stop things like that slipping into the story
  9. I know but the last time I tried to proof read, I accidentally hit the wrong button and erased the entire part of the story I had just written. So I just correct it after I write it.
  10. Ummm....ok then. Lol.
  11. Wall me when updated?
  12. I might update tonight im not sure yet, I have writers block, but I probably will.
  13. I decided to change the name of Chloes love intrest from Parker to Hayden. I will be posting the characters bios tonight.
  14. These are new character bios. I might update tonight, not sure yet, im kinda tired.




    Fave color: blue

    Pretty but doesn't know it

    Sometimes wears nerdy black rimed glasses

    Long curly blonde hair

    Sometimes likes to change hair style/color

    Sometimes straightens it

    Has had a small crush on Hayden for a while

    Quick to stand up for her friends

    Eyes sometimes changes color

    Not super skinny but far from fat with some curves


    Animal lover


    Good singer/dancer

    Grade: 8

    Age: 13

    Youngest of sisters sandy and clair


    Sometimes shy



    Extremely smart

    Grade: 8

    Age: 13


    Fave color: pink


    Pretty but doesn't know it

    Long brown beautiful hair

    Changes hair style semi-often

    Animal lover




    Good singer


    Grade : 8

    Age : 13

    Sometimes girly and sweet like Valerie and sometimesshe can.be tomboy like Chloe


    Doesn't care much about appearance

    Has long curly black hair

    Animal lover

    Super nice

    Very smart




    Grade : 8

    Age : 13

    Mean but can be nice

    Was friends with the group but stoped

    Speaks 3 languages



    Grade : 8

    Age: 13


    Super sweet



    Very pretty

    Short blonde hair


    Animal lover

    Very smart

    Can be shy

    Grade : 8

    Age : 13



    Very smart


    Super sweet

    Can be shy

    Short blonde hair

    Sometimes lets her hair grow long



    Grade : 8

    Age : 13


    Animal lover


    Plays football

    Plays basketball

    On the track team

    Cute but doesn't know it

    Short hair

    Hair is originally blonde

    Repeatedly insists on dying his hair black

    Has had a crush on zoe sine they were 7

    Almost every girl in school wants to date him



    Grade : 10

    Age : 15

    Oldest of sisters

    Oldest in the group


    Super-super sweet

    Super popular

    Friends with our group


    Animal lover

    Beautiful but doesn't know it


    Long blonde hair

    Changes hair style/ color often

    Boyfriend : Daniel

    Grade : 8

    Age : 14

    Middle child


    Super sweet


    Friends with the group

    Animal lover

    Pretty but doesn't think so

    Wears thick black nerd glasses

    Very smart

    Medium black hair

    Boyfriend : Zack
    I won't beable to update tonight im to tired, but I probably will tomorrow