[HUNT] Back to the 80's

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. This hunt is for only people in cat cafés club
    What a lame hunt
  2. I hope you can extend this hunt.. Low stat player get low roobix too 
  3. I've been in b2b cc the entire time. Still will not be able to get 7500. I was always top 200 too 
  4. RiP top 200 :lol:
  5. Half the people complaining are the same people who was complaining to change hunts especially when it came to Lbh so now they changed it where it's horrible for everyone.
  6. Its not terrible for those that pay…

    But all the same… the avatars are cute!
  7. Why don't have male avatar but had female avatar
  8. They only previewed the female avatars so far, there will be male ones they may just not wanna show them yet
  9. Anytime i see this thread bumped… i'm like :eek: male avas!! Open thread just to get a :evil: face.
  10. Wish male ava sucks like hell so that i won't regret for not participating in hunt ^_^
  11. Male avatar better look like David Bowie.
  12. This is just upsetting. I love the avatars but I don't think I even have a chance to get then sence you get like, 13 roobix cubes per normal party. What the hell you guys. We cant all pay you 69ec for a cat
  13. Even though I participated in every cat party I get mostly 10-30. Clearly an impossible hunt to reach 7200.
  14. Extend the hunt please 
  15. I've never complained during a hunt. But this is a bit ridiiculous
  16. Also I cldnt even signup for war it didn't show up on my profile til after signups were over and matching started. I talked to someone else who says they had same thing
  17. Idc anymore cat cafe took the fun and loyalty out of this game. Peace hunt sucked.
  18. @Pimd

    You didn't even tell us how the cubes would be dropping... Like 15 per hit as the guns drop too? Or what?
  19. First hunt i've failed and and i'm crazy active and spend a decent amount on cats. Only hunt winners will be b2b cat cafe clubs. Such crap. Hear that noise, devs? Its the sound of hundreds of loyal pimders deleting this ap.
  20. Because of one hunt?
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