Selfie 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 00_Sugar, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. No hun all of you acted childish the past few pages. Maybe you just forgot about that.
  2. It's okay beast ill make sure you get a whole lot
  3. Don't you "Hun" NEPH
  4. Funny how all these alts just stopped talking at the same time and talked again at the same time after the kids selfie. ?
  5. Yea who brought up "alts" first? Neph haha. Jeeez guys
  6. :lol: funny how u think ur right
  7. "His." Why don't you just say the name instead of referencing. Now that's childish. And also, I didn't know that being in a cc club AFTER BoS means you were prepping for war? Traveling against time? Teach me your ways.
  8. All of you. I was made 3 comments. And none if em regarding the girl. And I brought up alts because I did a lil stalking . But do I have alts? Up to you. But I already mentioned it.
  9. When a wannabe troll back himself up so he wont look stupid. ?
  10. [​IMG] chill...
  11. Umm who's an alt?
  12. :lol: u only call people "wannabe troll" cause u can't back URSELF up :lol:
  13. Wanna be troll?

    Yes. I've finally earned my title. Please continue believing ButtHurt is my alt. It is rather funny.
  14. wow ?? see I know that is bs bcuz I never stepped into a cc club after bos. Pls don't tell me what I do and don't do. I think I know damn well what I do.

    Don't be so butthurt. Ok I'll call him buttercup not hun ?
  15. I agree with tigger you guys need to breathe.

    Or leave. Ya leaving would be best. Threads already off topic thanx
  16. It's okay I'm a wanna be troll
  17. shady why don't you go back to GaW hell you said you didn't like pimd anyways.
  18. When no one even mentioned butthurt was your alt. Ooopsie
  19. Did I tell you what to do?

    I don't know... I don't think I did. Maybe you should read my post again. And I can make up information too. Like you know... I have alts. ?
  20. She can do what she wants
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