Funny how all these alts just stopped talking at the same time and talked again at the same time after the kids selfie. ?
"His." Why don't you just say the name instead of referencing. Now that's childish. And also, I didn't know that being in a cc club AFTER BoS means you were prepping for war? Traveling against time? Teach me your ways.
All of you. I was made 3 comments. And none if em regarding the girl. And I brought up alts because I did a lil stalking . But do I have alts? Up to you. But I already mentioned it.
Wanna be troll? Yes. I've finally earned my title. Please continue believing ButtHurt is my alt. It is rather funny.
wow ?? see I know that is bs bcuz I never stepped into a cc club after bos. Pls don't tell me what I do and don't do. I think I know damn well what I do. Don't be so butthurt. Ok I'll call him buttercup not hun ?
I agree with tigger you guys need to breathe. Or leave. Ya leaving would be best. Threads already off topic thanx
Did I tell you what to do? I don't know... I don't think I did. Maybe you should read my post again. And I can make up information too. Like you know... I have alts. ?