
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -_A_-DJ, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. Ok idk if its me or what cuz I feel we havent had enough time and the drop rates sucked at first so PLEASE PIMD extend the hunt!! ?
  2. Worthless cubes
    Bad avatars
  3. Support!!!? I feel you
  4. I don't care about hunt as long as I get my 1dn
  5. They'll listen better if we all send alot of feedback! :D but I support this!
  6. I support. They want too much in such a short amount of time. It's unrealistic.
  7. Support.
  8. I never complete these hunts..? It's sad.
  9. I sent feedback but I support this

    6 days to get 5000 cubes is a hard task even if you party all day and night. You'd need to use a few dn on each cat party to make 7500
  10. Support this is crazy I play when I'm not working an still don't even have 2k
  11. ★ my goal is up to 1k 
  12. Make Tier 5 Achievement only need like 4500 cubes is better I think. Don't want long hunt like Prom Hunt..
  13. Support ...this may be the first hunt that I don't complete. ?
  14. John Im not sure if you're being sarcastic or not lol

    They should either extend the time or drop the amount needed for prizes
  15. :lol: Im here
  16. So like no?
  17. You guys act like this is gonna be the first hunt where at a doesn't increase the drop rate towards the end
  18. Wallace, they've said on the first page of their thread that they're not going to increase the drop hunt.
  19. You seriously believe them? You can't believe anything ata tells you. They go and switch shit around like mad crazy