Selfie 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 00_Sugar, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. You scudded me

    You lucky youve got them lips
  2. Jax don't be weak
    She could be a fake
  3. I'm bored

    Just keep posting
    Just keep posting

  4. For my Sugar

    Come eat ma sandwich ?


  5. Sorry, uggers photo of me... Oh wait, I don't care 
  6. Yay sammich!!! 
  7. She's so cool she doesnt care so she tells us. 
  8. ????old photo
  9. Punisher  where's mah love?
  10. I don't know where. It's your love not mine.
    Sorry I can't watch everyone's love.
  11. If I post a pic of me lifting... Would I look like a douche?
  12. Mm punishers hatred. 
  13. Whose eyes 
  14. I didn't plan to anyway ?
  15. I don't hate you.
    You are just ok like the rest of PIMD
  16. Adam thinks I'm fantastic though
  17. Hi... I like muffins? [​IMG]
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