Loooooong Snake

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GoogleRENAMED, Aug 4, 2014.

  1. My god 
  2. Google go home. Your drunk
  3. 3310 memories
  4. Wow, that was impressive ️
  5. That was mesmerizing and so sexy.
  6. i cant believe this.... bs let me watch it again lol
    Addictive ..
  7. lol, I did the same when I found it! it's very attention grabbing
  8. Bump this amazing thread 
  9. I'm sure eating all those circles seemed like a great idea at first, but now look who's jammed in a box forever and ever. Ha, stupid snake.
  10. YOU CAN BEAT SNAKE?!?!?!!? Whats the message at the end say?
  11. I think I just got brainwashed ...
  12. So mesmerising!! ?
  13. There's time I'll never get back  Thanks google  I sucked at that game. I would always run into myself in little snake form, I never made it to big snake 

  14. ?I love this
  15.  yeah this is addicting to watch, clearly we all are easily entertained.