My pupil is a scammer

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by babygeee, Aug 7, 2014.

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  1. Probably ket hired that tut becaz she's up and like many noob do she drop stat.
  2. My advice for ket-farm the previous pupil till she ug to previous stat
  3. Pupil seems too happy for this.
  4. do us a favor and reset already
  5. ? Noobs and their lying ways, hunny get to know what a scam is before you advertise crab about people.
  6. Crab. Yes crab. ?
  7. This is not consider a scam, anybody playing pimd will know this. Get a life and doing a forum post to defame him is ridiculous. I see you are the real troublemaker here.
  8. Ur an IDIOT he won't drop because he will only have partial amount from the money that he/she paid u.thats why he/she is not dropping u because if someone will hire u from him/her she will have a bonus.And Selling Tuts in Fampus Chat is Not SCamming.once somebody hires a large amount of pupil and he has no money already the. Of course he/she need to sell his/her pupil.EASY PEASY SIDER SQUEEZY
  9. *campus chat
  10. If he's such a scammer just reset on him :roll:
  11. "Please bump my tutor. I will definitely buy back."
  12. Haha. Look who got into trouble and clubless now? Last laugh?!? Hahaha
  13. ? You're stupid.
  14. my 950b just reset 2 minutes ago.
    same case like op. just fake money anyway
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