Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Rlcecake (01), Aug 1, 2014.

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  1. I'm not gonna speak on behalf of anyone or club... but one thing is clear.
    OP is a butch ass punk, if he/she cant even show up with their main. Wanna talk shit? Talk shit with your main, don't make an alt, create a thread, and spread rumors. Yes they are rumors until you have proof otherwise of your claims.

  2. They farm other trying to make a cc club  They are trash
  3. Admin Farm ppl in campus who post other cat cafe club Banner : IE is Desperates IN CATS
  4. I WENT To -IE- club to prove it that their club is sucks  they just kick cat droppers . I got a cat but they kick me lucky i didnt drop yet .Or else my cat will be wasted as hell
  5. You went there as a fake ass player with no cat and has even changed your name u good for nothing noob
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