Deuces PiMD

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Nephirus-, Aug 7, 2014.

  1. You don't even know me 
  2. I'm asian
  3.  wanna ask
  4. U leaving the game, bro? :lol;
  5. You got mes third party app tho
  6. Hans is Filipino
  7. You're leaving?? Goodbye. Good luck in rl.️
  8. Maybe now you'll workout, and become less of a beanpole! :lol:
  9. 
  10. Nep I'm gonna go talk shit to you in a 3rd party app ?
  11. ★thanks 
  12. More farm!!!!
  13. Bye!

    take care
  14. So you're telling me Asians date hoes.. but you are Asian. Isnt there a problem with that? Luls. Plus I'm Asian. But Asian guys arent exactly hoes. Try again, bruh.