
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by HVTCH, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. I hate it when people mespell stuff
  2. I no rite
  3. So anoying
  4. Totaly agree wit u
  5. Like seriosly get a dictonarie.
  6. Yes I hayt it so much
  7. Omg I cnt agre with u guyys more
  8. Yeah come on guys. We have auto erection for a reason?
  9. Its relly erritating when dey do that. Also bad when your try use right grammor and spelling stuff and dey do this misteaks. Makes it hard too read, ya know wut I sayin
  10. Freakin 5th gradors smh
  11. The struggel is reel. I feel yu bro
  12. Liek srsly. Go to fucking skool
  13. But dey all sey screw skool it fr nerds
  15. it macks my eyes vomeit
  16. Dat purrfect germmar tho
  17. It's HVTCH you neegrow smfh