Met a Female Dragon

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by HVTCH, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. those voice memos tho
  2. Well at least one person wasn't a pussy ^
  3. That's a terrible grade for my thread :(
  4. I dunno, do you think A's hot?
  5. Nobody knows who -A is yet
  6. Is this some pretty little liars shit?
  7. I think it's in a Drake
  8. And lil wayne song
  9. You could say I'm talking about PLL.
  10. Or you couldn't.
  11. Cough id go gay for Emily cough
  12. I'm so lost.
  13. Can I just lock them all in my basement pls? ;___;
  14. Yea I want all of em. They're hot stuff.
  15. At first I thought this was going to be about a woman on her period.

    Don't know why.