Ok sooooooo im ganna try this out, and hopefully it's not terrible. Lol. So here it goes. Tell me whatcha think . ----------------------------------------------- "GET UP NOW CHLOE!!" "WHAAAAT" I asked groggily. I rubbed my eyes as I turn to my alarm clock for the time. "CRAP!" I screamed. I was late for the first day of eighth grade. The year hadn't even started and it was already off to a bad start. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I headed over to me, Valaries, and Sammys favorite spot in the cafeteria before school. Me, Valerie, and Sammy have been best friends our entire lives. Even our moms were friends before we were born. I had always been the more "edgey" one when it came to fashion and had the more rebellious side. Valerie had always been the girliest. Pink pink pink no matter what. Sammy was kind of in the middle of us. She could be tomboyish and rebellious at times like me but could be sweet and girly some times like Valerie. But despite our differences, we were always together no matter what. But for more reasons then youwould think. We are mermaids. " WHAAAAAT?" I asked groggily. I rubbed my eyes as I turned to my alarm clock for the time. "GET UP CHLOE!!!! NOW!!" "WHAAAAT?" i asked groggily while rubbing my eyes. I turned over to my alarm clock to check the time. "CRAP!" I screamed. I was late on the first day of eighth grade. This year had just started and it was already of to a bad start. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Be
Um could someone tell me what bump means? This is my first time writing a story and I've read it in other people's story's but idk what it is.
If you want to be in my story, tell me what kind of person you are/ want to be. Nerd, athlete, mean girl, nice girl, jock, prep, artist, etc.
Chapter 2 --------------------------------------------- We were six when we found out. Valerie and Sammy came over and we jumped into the pool. We were swimming for hours and hours untill it got dark. Suddenly the water in the pool got colder and it started to fiz up. Our moms looked at each other and smiled. They knew what was happening to us. The, as if instantaneously, the water was back to normal. But something still felt wierd. We all turned around and to our surprise, our tails arived. Mine being the most beautiful blue, Sammys being a vibrant green, and Valeries a dark blood-like red. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *present day* "Heeeeyyy!!" I said, happily. "How are my beautiful freaks on this wonderful morning?" "Who you callin' a freak, missy?" Jessica (best friend of us since we were 8. We recently found out she to is a mermaid. Her tail a neon yellow. ) said sticking out her tounge at me. "Ya punk!" Allison ( best friend also since we were 8. Sadly not mermaid, but knows about us.) Said winking. "Who you callin' a punk, punk?" I said laughing uncontrollably. "Freaks." Eglantine grunts as she passes by us. We all made gaging noises as she passes by. Eglantine actually was our best friend untill two years ago when she decided she could do better. Whatever. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Everyday after school we always go swimming in the nearest ocean, Alyson in a wet suit. It has always been our favorite thing to do. But this time, things turned for the worst. --------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 We had been swimming for an hour and we were tierd so we decided to swim to the bottom of the ocean and float. The bottom of the ocean has always been beautiful and we had always loved it. I find fascinating that every fish in the sea are so different and they dont seem to mind. I was lost in my usual trance of wonderment when Valerie taped me on the shoulder and pointed. Confused I did as told and looked up. A wave of horror washed over all of us ( no pun intended). A great white shark circled over us. I turned to my friends, terrified. Then, as I slowly turned around, I saw something I didn't think I would see. I saw someone in a wet suit. Not just anyone. My longtime crush. Parker. A look of confusion crossed over his face. I looked up at the shark hovering over us , not sure what was more scary, the shark or someone discovering us. He looked up and saw the shark. At first he looked scared as the shark came close to us. Then as he saw it was coming for us, not him, he started coming tords us I started to panic. Then, as he smiled, I realised that he was trying to help us. I looked up and saw the shark was getting closer. I looked back at Parker. He reached out his and just as I was reaching back a nervous smile on my face..... THUMP! Pain shoots across my face, and everything goes black.
Thank you for reading my story :-D. ------------------------------------------- I woke up to a body standing over me. "It's probably Valerie." I thought to myself. Thats when my vision cleared up. And turns out, it wasn't Valerie. It was Parker. "Oh, your awake." He said smiling. "Um, hi." "Hi." I said groggily. "What happened?" And thats when I remembered. He had seen my tail. He had seen my TAIL. "Look, you can not tell ANYONE. ANYONE. Got it?" "Ya, just three questions. One how did this happen?" So I told him the story. "Ok. Next, who, in all are mermaids?" He asked. "Me, Valerie, Sammy, my mom, my two sisters Claire and Sandy, and Jessica