A lil story

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Shaggy-The-Metalhead, Aug 3, 2014.

  1. To me Kenny seems like that guys ruins the fun in everything, he's all like ur having fun, here let me farm u and ruin this game for u or like ur trolling? That seems like fun, now I'm gonna farm u cuz ive got alts around ur kcs and I'm a ass like that. To me he's the troll under the bridge and we all are the billy goats. (not to be taken seriously) He let's his friends pass or people that offer him something, otherwise he farms the rest.

    What's the matter Kenny u gotta wall me and say crybaby cuz u can't face the truth? Yeah truth hurts noob get over it. Keep farming me, it'll get u nowhere except more despirate and butthurt. Ur just a loser with nothing to do.

    Let the hate come out idc I'm saying my opinion, if u dont like it that's not my problem.

    And if u actually read this I hope u see what I'm talking about. Peace out
  2. This wasnt a story.
  3. 

  5. Ps: I don't even know Kenny and yet lol....
  6. [​IMG] how's this for a wolf.
  7. Damn k then
  8.  farming is part of the game so stop being a bitch bout it
  9. I is confused who is farming who?

    Where did the troll come in and where is my popcorn
  10. Thats what your little bitch ass gets. Stop talking so much shit all the time

  11. So? Farming isn't against the rules or anything. Don't know who Kenny is, but he can hit who he wants. Just return hits and move on.
  12. ★ 
  13. Ok I forgot jax is gay
  14. Op is just a scaredy cat !!

    Dont cry op !! Its K