Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Rlcecake (01), Aug 1, 2014.

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  1. You from KPD?
  2. Nah, I got nothing out of doing anything for them. I'm doing this coz it's a good club. I don't see any problems here. Of what you are saying too.

    And Nah thanks, I'd rather visit the Real Ricecake land... Not something made out of The Cheap, Second Hand Land.
  3. Haha IE is full of biased admin how can be a good club,

    and as i said SOME of admin not Dropping a Cat And hear of few perm member been kick coz they busy . Rl as u can see IE Before lots of perm titled on their main club. but they are dropping cats as well.

    But those who are left perm there now few of them really dropping a cat.and few perms are not dropping at all,
  4. Pics or it didn't happen.

    Geez... Rumors flying about, blah blah blah... what are you? Damn, you gossip well.
  5. Few months back, I've been invited by my pupil to come to IE and stayed there for more than two weeks or so.
    Ok, so here's a thorough unbiased review based on my experience. Mind you, this will be very long. ?

    1. IE owner also drops a cat. Some other admins also do and so as perms [I've seen them drop so I see no argument for that]

    2. Admins- most of them were kind but some were rude. [Not sure though if the admins from before when I came were still the same admins who's running the club right now].

    3. Organize? - Not quite.
    And when I say "organized", this would mean the following:

    a. cat dropper - Admins often times just wait who'll drop based on the list of names written on the club wall. So after the standard 15 minutes waiting time for each party, everyone would still need to wait an additional of 5-25 minutes before a cat can be dropped. However, until a few days before my stay is over, they were able to manage and schedule each player when they need to drop. But still, there were still some parties where this kind of thing occurs.

    b. starting parties - parties were often started just after each party is completed..however, again, there were times (happened more than once) when we need to wait for at least 31 minutes (this was the longest) before the next party will be initiated. [This might be due to the fact that most of their admins were either busy, sleeping, etc.]

    The club back then was struggling since most of their admins were from the same timezones so parties were often started quite late.

    But since they are running a CC club, they should ensure that parties should run as what they claimed it to be (24/7). Isn't it? -Just my opinion.

    c. no standard timezone - Each player's time will depend to which admin who accepted them into the club. Unlike other CC clubs, -9 lives- or KPC (kitty pounding coalition- already inactive), let's say for example, have a standard GMT timezone. With this, I think it enables all admins from all the different timezones to easily track everyone's time in the club as well as the players themselves.

    Disclaimer: This happened few months back so I do not know if the club is still the same from what they are now.
    Also, should there be any grammatical errors, pardon me for that. I'm not a native english speaker so I'm sure there would be quite a few. ?

    But in the end, if somebody here would ask me, I still wouldn't come back to IE for my b2b CC parties. 
  6. ^ thanks for your honest feedback, tearamisu. We now have admins from every timezone, and we do schedule things better.

    To clarify things, every admin, perms and the owner drops a cat. To make such accusations are completely pathetic, and unless you can prove it to be true, go on right ahead, ricecake.

    Another thing, I've been in IE for roughly almost 2 months now, and I remember being here when Tearamisu came in. I admit then that the planning was poor, the schedules were messed up then, But there really is a big difference now. The admins have done a fantastic job rotating shifts and scheduling cat drops well.

    IE appreciates all honest feedback, and hopes to be better. If one has a problem, simply speak to an admin or the owner. You don't need to blow things out of proportion.
  7. ? xan I think your one of the admin she complaining about doesn't drop ever 
  8. I'm not dropping a cat for you anymore. ^
  9. ^^ u been there for 2months and become head admin, old admin is the best and organized like was before they all drop cats Lauren09 & RodeoQueen ex admin In IE ADMIN well best kind ppl ,

    @^^ this new admins are not organized ,. delay dropping cats
  10.  no no I'm sorry  please I want your pussy so bad
  11. Ricecake. You got the wrong kendolls. LOL. I'm not head admin.
  12. So many thick people posting on here 
  13. I tried joining IE yesterday with my cat but they werent accepting members. Which to be honest makes no sense if your a b2b cc club and all
  14. @Mamagoat, they must be limiting hitters for each party so that most of those who joined their club before you will be able to milk the party.
    You see,

    a. More hitters = parties will be completed fast
    b. parties completed too fast = more kitties are needed
    c. more kitties needed = more donors needed to drop
    d. less donors = banked kitties will drain out fast

    so maybe that's why you weren't accepted in at the moment.
  15. @ Dave yea ure one of them hahaha
  16. Dont waste Your cat (^_^) In IE Admins sucks ::
  17. Is that the only thing you have to say? From what it looks like to me, others had to help you put more things on IE than you actually had or have to begin with. Dont just go, "Oh yeah, see? They say [insert problems] too." You got one person over you. Obviously, the place has changed. IE is getting better than they were before.

    I apologize if you werent able to get in to IE as everyone has been shoving their cats in to B2B CC clubs so they can get money and take advantage of the 1/3 off upgrade sale or get ready for the new upgrades T6L3 and T6L4. It will be like that in a lot of clubs; which then goes first come, first serve.

    Now back to this FakeCakes. People make rumors. If this is the way you are going to spread it, at least have evidence or spread it with your main account. What are you to be scared of if you think you are right? You obviously only rely your "truth" on what one person says.
  18. We are so full and the list of players wanting to join is endless which for me speaks volumes to the great job everyone is doing ! But because of the waiting list a new club as evolved bigger better join now get special promo deals
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