Peeboy, said aww the alt didn't reply. Now, I'm replying. I don't get what's so hard to understand about that.
Ok I understand the chain of events But if there is nothing more to say why reply if his comment doesn't bother you?
I don't even know you guys nor do I know why ya'll are fighting nor do I care, but you got to admit, he has a point.
I just said that a few comments ago. His comments don't bother me, I never stated that they did, I just wanted to tie off the loose ends. Also, I wasn't aware that I couldn't respond to others. Is this some sort of new rule I don't know about.
What defeat? I'm not arguing, there is absolutely nothing to argue about. I'm not going to continuously repeat myself. I stated what I stated. I stand by what I said and if you think differently, then you're free to opinion. At the end of the day though, I really don't care to discuss something so trivial in length.
You can do whatever you want If you have to tie off loose ends to sleep well at night don't let me stop you.