100 ways

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Punisher888, Jul 31, 2014.

  1. Peeboy, said aww the alt didn't reply.

    Now, I'm replying.

    I don't get what's so hard to understand about that.
  2. Ok I understand the chain of events
    But if there is nothing more to say why reply if his comment doesn't bother you?
  3.  I don't even know you guys nor do I know why ya'll are fighting nor do I care, but you got to admit, he has a point. 
  4. I can't even help you on this one El ?

    Adam has a legit point.
  5. You can't get the reaction you're looking for out of Adam lmao why try
  6. I just said that a few comments ago.
    His comments don't bother me, I never stated that they did, I just wanted to tie off the loose ends.

    Also, I wasn't aware that I couldn't respond to others. Is this some sort of new rule I don't know about.
  7. I'm not looking for any sort of reaction.
    I just came back to reply to peeboy and that's it.
  8. El dear ?

    Just admit the defeat and walk away with your dignity. 
  9. Yea.

    You're kind of making yourself look bad doll. 
  10. What defeat?
    I'm not arguing, there is absolutely nothing to argue about.

    I'm not going to continuously repeat myself. I stated what I stated. I stand by what I said and if you think differently, then you're free to opinion.

    At the end of the day though, I really don't care to discuss something so trivial in length.
  11. Free to your opinion*
  12. You can do whatever you want
    If you have to tie off loose ends to sleep well at night don't let me stop you.
  13. This is so dumb wtf 
  14. Shadyyyyy I agree.
  15. Adam, you are one of the most mature people I know on this game.
  16. I second Auto 