Dear Ata

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Josh, Aug 1, 2014.

  1. Before you screw us over anymore ... And before I go full emo...

    How much will the new T6 levels be exactly and if so they better be half price for at least a month, as you're now screwing everyone currently LCBC and moving in T6 previously who payed 40b a pop for a T6, instead of 26b.

    This is Un DENCH. And I do not support this
  2. Ps congratulations to the many who will temporarily join us at LCBC until the new levels
  3. Not to mention the 52b for each level 2
  4. I'm a noob and I do not support as well.  You screwed over all the people who are LCBC or whatever it's called and making it easier for us tiny people instead making us work our butts off like they did. Not cool. #FAIRNESSFORALL 
  5. Still never gonna lcbc 
    And I'm completely fine with that.
  6. ? Well...

    I need to upgrade so yolo.
  7. This isn't cool ... 
  8. I mean I get how it's unfair to those who BC'd the hard way,

    But yeah

    I need to upgrade

    So yolo.
  9. Definitely not fair. Us who paid full price should get the money back of the difference.
  10. I agree Shak
  11. yall need a maccas straw to drink ur glass of cement and harden up this is what happens when the next level is released quit ya whinning. next time u wont be in such a hurry to bc will u
  12. That's 612b more that current lcbcs spent than what people will have to spend now.
  13. I demand 5T straight off then me and Pimd can truce and call it a day
  14. Thor your a lame o
  15.  so what
  16. Muscle, what you mean this is what happens when the next level is released. This has never happened before. I Dont recall everything being 1/3 when t6 was released. I Dont recall everything being 1/3 when t6l2 was released...
  17. I like it but I understand how its unfair lol butttt I need to upgrade soooo anyone willing to help? (¯▼¯)
  18. Welp... Good job Ata
  19. This is bull shit 
    In before game turns to shit
    Oh wait..