The Last of Us: Remastered

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Turtwig, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. Did any of you get it? Your thoughts?
  2. ? I don't even have a ps4 but I've seen ss of it and it looks BYOOTIFUL
  3. I've watched Pewdiepie play it ? I'm more of a war themed gamer, like Cod and halo 
  4. Looking to trade my ps3 copy in soon...... Very soon....
  5. I watched Toby play Beyond Two Souls  haven't seen anyone play The Last of Us yet though. Mkay, goodnight now.
  6. I picked it up not to long ago.
    The game graphics are very amazing and the cut scenes look very amazing I must say. Once you played the Re-Mastered Version you will question playing the Regular Version . I've had experience with the game before and I must say it is one of my favorite games. The story is amazing and the graphics are stunning. The sights in the game look amazing and the wildlife surrounding look beautiful. I suggest you grab it if you are a fan of the game. I hope they make a second one.