tough guy fail

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-_A_-Jax (01), Jul 27, 2014.

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  1. why is there so much hate...if he wanted to expose someone then I say we should let them. If thats how they grew up to let people know that their adults than just leave them alone. mewtwo your being just as low as he is. if you want to talk about people with intergrity than you must first follow your own advice. intergrity people don't have to prove anything none less need to prove it anyway, they let their actions speak for themselves. And jax same goes for you. you argue with him and the problem got bigger. you as a "scud" must walk away from rachetness. and to the people who fuel flames, please not. I've seen all you guys comment on threads where people wanted forums to back to the good side and you all agreeded but here you here fueling to it as well. it's just a game. let it go
  2.  No probs I'm helpful and ****
  3. wow... you guys are beautiful people. jax your arms though...and mewtwo...your face is goregous. shouldn't you be a model somewhere??
  4. Lmfao Korsett I told Jax that too :lol:
  5. Awww Follow seems nice  I like him already
  6. He wants you to follow him for the D.. That doesn't seem very "nice" ..
  7. Lmao see what I mean you can't even post anything that won't get stereotyped. Lmao. I'm done with humans these days. You guys are disgusting ass creatures who think of ways to pull your own kind to the ground to make yourself look better instead of breaking it up you add stuff to piss them off. This is why I lurk. Because giving opinions that's not similar to anyone else's will be put as a lable on anybody.smh
  8. But I guess I'm doing something right if u gotta say that.thank you korsett.
  9. Maybe I should model.I don't know yet..thanks though d.
  10. Youre part of that too.

    You tried to belittle me, and that backfired greatly. Youre just as human as the rest of us
  11. MAybe i should start interviewing people. I'd like that. i'll start with you jax. you seem so kind with a hard shell.
  12. well i am a cancer
  13. I'll follow u for the D 
  14. sorry i don't rp...thats kind of weird to me
  15. O my name lol. i only have it because its a funny phrase
  16. Wait… you make that long comment yet you bashed Jax over his pic? I mean really come on. Don't hate on ppl if you can't take it back.

    Both of you yes look gd but don't come down on others about pics they post of themsevles and hate it when others say something about you.
  17. couldn't be that funny cause for a sec you thought i meant something else
  18. Well isn't this thread irate
  19. ok this mew dude seems pretty rude.
    but If those pics are him, he's not bad looking. Does pose a little feminine, but then his name and stuff yenno....
  20. It shouldn't matter if people are "bad looking" or not though rude is rude no matter the persons face. Same with a good personality is a good personality no matter the persons face
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