6 best friends (Rp)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by MissLavender, Jul 10, 2014.

  1. Valilah:

    -I go to the garden and sit down ona clean spot- ....
  2. Summer :
    I follow Valiah out " you ok val"
  3. Ryu:
    Walks inside the house. "What's up party people?"
  4. Valilah:

    Yeah.... Just looking at the flowers -I gaze at the flowers-
  5. Summer :
    " the flowers are beautiful . So u and Nate "
  6. Valilah:

    Uhh... Me and Nate? What do you mean? -I blush-
  7. Summer;
    " u know what I mean val I see the way u to look at each other "
  8. Valilah:

    Uhh.. What.. No... Maybe..... -I blush-
  9. Summer:
    " more than a maybe valilah " I smile
  10. Valilah:

    I know! But do you think he likes me... Its like we are just.. you know '' Best Friends "
  11. Summer:
    " I think u both like each other a bit more than best friends . Am I right val "
  12. Valilah:

    I do... But does he? -I look at him-
  13. Summer :
    " I'm 100% sure he does "
  14. Valilah:

    Oh... But should I tell him?
  15. Summer :
    " I think u should tell him when we go to the lake tomorrow for a swim and picnic "
  16. Valilah:

    Ok... Can we go sometimes to the beach?
  17. Summer :
    " yeh sure "
  18. Robyn wanders through the house, then out into the garden, spotting Summer and Val. "Are you two alright?" She asks rubbing an eye from having a nap on the couch.
  19. Valilah:

  20. Robyn raises an eyebrow "what are you talking about?" She questions.