ThE PiMD Celebrities.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -iMelissaBabyAlien_KilledYou-, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. Hi all , to all of this show's fans i want to inform u that the interviews will be posted on sundays from now on , so be ready fr an awesome interview wiz jax tomorrow :)

    Peace out
  2. And you're the best person to decide who's considered a "celebrity"?
  3. Who's he  ?
  4. Admit it, he is one of it.
  5. Jax is an actual idiot I dont say this likely.Also he's not a celebrity.Do someone like Royale or Zeppy or Bosen
  6. whose zeppy and bosen?  ive heard of jax but not these players.
  7. ? When you've heard of Jax but not Zeppy and Bosen you know you're a noob. KThnxBai
  8. LOL you noob. Zeppy and Bosen are both Gods of sfw, particularly Zeppy.Bosen is also a former Vip no.1
  9. Jax is a loudmouth idiot ccbc noob wannabe warrior.......
  10. Zeppy and Bosen basically ruled this game way back. :/
  11. Excuse me for not having a phd on pimd.
  12. If shaan still plays inverview her, or Leo?? Your missing so many interesting and legendary players and instead inverviewing people like trying not to hate on him but I cant help it
  13. Why dont you do it noob? Interview them instead of ass kissing them.
  14. Because I dont even play pimd anymore I come on to see these new forum noobs and talk to the odd friend
  15. For someone who doesnt play much, you sure seem to cling on this too much.
  16. Not a celebrity if I of all people don't know them.