6 best friends (Rp)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by MissLavender, Jul 10, 2014.

  1. Robyn chuckles and then puts the football back on, it was the team her cousin was playing for so she followed their matches.
  2. Nate: *Sits on the steps and brings out a zippo lighter I always keep on me and makes it flicker in front of my face*
  3. Ryu:
    "I'd rather go in. Thanks again Summer. You're the best." Hops out of the car.
  4. Summer:
    " ok I'll wait here for u "
  5. The summery post sounded like the start of orgy porn >.>
  6. Ryu:
    Jogs in to the closest clothing store and buys the first outfit he sees. Then runs back to the car. "Alright, ready to go."
  7. I agree, not about... you know, but this is just reaaally reaaaally bad...
  8. Summer ;
    " what did u get " I say as I start the car and head back to the holidays house
  9. Ryu:
    "I got a few shirts, shorts and a pair of jeans. I got you something for you if you want it." He looks at Summer hopefully.
  10. Summer :
    I smile " what did u get me "
  11. Ryu:
    He pulls out a small case. "Its a necklace. I thought it would look good on you."
  12. Summer:
    " aw Ryu u didn't have to " I smile
  13. Ryu:
    He opens the box to show a diamond necklace. "Its my way of saying thanks for being my friend. And I thought you'd enjoy it."
  14. Summer :
    " thx u "
  15. Ryu:
    He put the necklace back and looked at Summer with hope in his eyes. "I was wondering if you'd wanna go hang at the pool once we get back. You and me and whoever tags along."
  16. Valilah:

    Lalalalala -I skip along-
  17. Nate: *still sat on the stairs outside, I open a can of beer I have brought out with me and drinks it's slowly*
  18. Valilah:

    Nate! Hey nice to see ya... I saw on my way out... going to the mall.. Anything you wanna buy?
  19. Nate: *Smiles* Yeh, I need a new pair of headphones.. *Giving you £400* Please can you get me a pair of noise cancelling 2.0 headphones* :)
  20. Nate: The Dr.Dre ones please :)