New Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Midnight-Queen2, Jul 22, 2014.

  1. In bed with Dwayne Johnson!!!!
  2. Ok Ariana wins!! Now on to the next one!!! :-D Now would u rather... Have a tan on the beach with Ariana or have kids with JLO.?
  3. kids with jlo! ftw!!!
  4. Ima let jlo carry my babies
  5. And voting stops on Sunday 3:30
  6. Tan on the beach with Ariana
  7. In bed with ARIANA GRANDE
  8. IT IS A TIEEEEE!!!!! Now which one ? Have sex with Dwayne Johnson or sex with Harry Styles. Votung stops on Monday 4:30
  9. Beating up Harry Styles
  10. Go to the dentist
  11. Will Harry has a man-vagina sooo... I guess Harry?