Unless you were the hulk and could break through ice under water, by all means do your thing, and option A would be the answer for you.
Exactly why I posted this. it could help save someone in the future plus it's hella fun. I guessed the wrong answer here though. ?
Shouldn't you be helping the person who fell in to begin with? so maybe grab them first lol and swim to the nearest bit of ice.. I don't know
Oh yeah! The other person. I guess grab your friend, swim back to the hole, lift your friend up out of the water first (she/he's been the the water longer. He/she's probably colder) and have them help you out the water.
Laura, it's easier to help someone out when you're out of the water. It's harder to push someone out when you're feet aren't planted on the ground (unless you had amazing upper body strength; but you are supposed to lift with your leg strength not your back).. So get your cute butt out first! And maybe we fell in different holes.
ANSWER C The reason you shouldn't swim towards land is actually because the ice around it is the oldest and therefore the weakest. Treading water requires you moving which will drop your temperature. Spend too much time in the water and you risk hypothermia. You shouldn't rely on people to save you. When you swim back to where you fell, the ice there is actually the strongest. You should belly crawl your way out and roll away from the hole to evenly distribute your weight. Like a seal!
I was thinking about the other person too. ? But that wasn't an option. Neither was drowning Why are we on a lake anyway?!
I would not choose either. If you fall in the water, you're dead. No need for both of us to die. Someone needs to live and tell the story.