I just watched a show on Natgeo called Do or Die and I'm curious on the choices people will pick. Basically it gives you a scenario based on a real life disaster and 3 choices to pick. So imagine you're on a frozen lake and someone accidentally falls in. You rush in to help but the ice gives way and you fall in as well. Should you: (A) Swim away from where you fell (onto the ice nearer to land) (B) Remove your coat and tread water (C) Swim towards where you fell So what would you pick and why? I'll give the answer later!
A. The ice where you fell is thin, so chances are you're just going to keep breaking the ice if you go back. ? Maybe the ice on the other side is thicker.
Wait e.e this looks like a trap. I don't know. ? Why would you keep treading the freezing cold water, but why would you go back? Ermergerd. I don't know.
It's def C, swim towards where I fell because that's where the hole is obviously. I want to get out of the water as soon as possible, as it is cold: so keeping my coat on is vital (B) and I wouldn't want to risk staying in the water more than needed just to find another hole/ land(A).
C. Always try to come out of where you fell through. That will most likely be the closest spot that is open to air, and then you can roll out and retrace your steps back to land. I don't know why you would swim away, you wouldn't even know where the next break in the ice was. You'd probably drown.
SIDE NOTE: Nick, make more threads like this. It makes people actually have to use their brains, and it's fun, and a real life saving tip.
True, follow pickles and raine. Lulz but then when you think about it, that really would be the obvious thing to do. ? I don't know why but it didn't occur to me that there'd be a hole or that I'd be under ice. Shhh no one say anything, I'm an idiot.