The day the human race died.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by __Jake__, Jun 10, 2011.

  1. can I be in it
  2. Chapter 7.
    The convoy.
    Two days later...

    It was quiet.
    Too quiet.
    "Conner where are you?!" Zoe called from In tent. Conner had gone to the toilet, an Hour ago. Zoe got up and walked over to the opening, peering out. "Conner this better not be a trick!".
    Then she heard it.
    A piercing scream.
    "Conner no!" Zoe ran out of her tent, drawing her Glock as she ran, she pointed in the direction and turned on her army-grade flashlight.
    There ^He was.
    Or she thought it was Conner, but when ^He turned Around it was him alright, but as a zombie.
    "CONNER NO-" But he ran at her, hungry for her blood.
    She was gonna die.
    All of a sudden ^He stopped, like ^He was frozen, and Jake walked out of the trees and sliced his head off.
    "zoe you ok?" Jake said.
    "Jake Oh my god!" she ran at him and gave him a tackle hug and started sobbing into his shoulder.
    "It's ok Zoe he's not gonna hurt you now." Jake said reassuringly patting her back.
    "Jake, I loved him!" she said, pushing him away angrily.
    "I know, but ^He would have killed you." Jake said calmly. ^He led her back to her tent and put her inside.
    "Allie is coming soon, just getting some food for the convoy."
    And Rose fell asleep.
  3. ............  NOOOOOOOOOOO

    apart from conner dying..... Really good.... Moar please 
  4. Let me be in it pleaseee!Your very good at this love it but put me in please!
  5. .. This is getting good.
  6. Chapter 8.
    The screams, ^He heard the screams of birds, Hell birds.
    "S*** ARM YOURSELVES!" But it was too late, they were upon them, No-one would be spared, Jake thought hard 'Fire'.
    Then suddenly, a huge ball of fire erupted, burning everything.
    It was falling toasted the convoy.
    And Jake couldn't stop it.
    He thought he couldn't.
  7. Really good story want to know what happens
  8.  MOOAARRR!!!! 
  9. Interesting... Hmmmm

    Yo Jake? Can I be in? As your cousin? :D lol
  10. Chapter 9.
    Jake had to think fast. But what could he do?
    Without a thought He ran at the ball of fire, concentrating on it, and nothing else.
    As Jake ran at it, it sloped down, around the convoy.
    Then it happened.
    Just as it was about to hit them.
    Thousands of zombies ran at them.
    But it ran over them, like a shield, and exploded outwards.
    Killing all of the zombies.
    And Jake had caused it all.
    ^He lay there, limp, lifeless.
    "JAKE NOOO!" Allie screamed running to him and sitting by his side.
    ^He opened his eyes.
    "What did I miss?"
    "YOU STUPID IDIOT!!! U NEARLY KILLED YOURSELF!" Rose shouted, slapping him hard.
    "Oh, did I?"
    Jake got up and walked over to a burnt zombie.
    "Jake wha? How?" Andy said.
    "Let me tell you what happened in those 8 months..." And they walked off to the bus.
  11. MOAR BITCH MOAR!!! <3
  12. Put me in pleaaasseee!
  13. When do I come in?