Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MrRussianVixen, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. Hello there Pimd universe, i would like to do something special in order to ensure myself that i am unique and not just one of the many small average indistinguishable perfected crafted checker pieces in Jesus and Satins underground Checker game
  2. So ill say a group of words and phrases that no one else has ever said so that when i say it ill feel like, look at me participating in this new moment that no ones ever been a part of

    You can quote the ones you like

    Peanut butter TRIBODISM

    Blue is greener than purple for sure

    LOOK! its a distraction 
    someone say "i see what you did there"

    People say "Nothing is impossible", well i do nothing everyday

    Banana Error

    People have a RIGHT to be stupid. Some people abuse that privilage.

    One day your prince charming will come, Mines just took a wrong turn, got lost, and is too stubborn to ask me directions…

    And lastly…
    Lifes about 3 things: Getting girls, Getting paid, and THE DEWIE DECIMAL SYSTEM
  3. Double post? Wtfffff
  4. Well bump this one :D
  5. Ignote the other one guys xD
  6. I get it LOL.

    Maybe one day ill have a creative catch phrase like that one ahahaha
  7. I see what you did there 
  8. Omg I do this in my head all the time?
  9.  Getting paid all the way
  10. What on earth iz banana error?
  11. Kelon y r u so annoying 
  12. You spelled Satan wrong 
  13. I like the motto,
  14. Do you feel better now?