Sun City RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Southern_Angel, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. Roison wondering where the other two went so she picked up her bow and headed to the training area, after hiding the crate of guns. She leant on the door frame quietly, watching Jess and Artemis with theor different styles.
  2. Artemis: *Grabs the sword and starts slicing off the heads off some of the dummies* God sake! *Shoots a dummy In-between it's eyes then slices it head off and slumps to the floor*
  3. Getting bored and wanting to see his reaction; Roison shoots an arrow straight into the eye of one half of the dummy.
  4. Artemis: *Punches my hand through the leg of the dummy I'm sat in front of*
  5. Jess:

    She shoots the dummy in the area of the eyes, and then the heart. Looking for something more interesting, she then sends a shot at a painting on the wall, smirking as it falls and crashes to the floor loudly.
  6. Roison rolls her eyes and loads her bow again. Pulling the string back, she aims it to pierce the main vein coming out of the heart. She lets the string go and the arrow flies straight through the dummy, leaving a hole where the arrow sliced through.
  7. Artemis: *Gets up and starts head butting the dummy until my head is bleeding and the head is smashed to pieces, breathing deeply, and walks out to find somewhere to wash my face*
  8. Roison moves out of Artemis's way, knowing to not upset him more.
  9. Jess:

    "He's kinda... Odd," she comments, shooting the dummy in front of her again. She reloads the gun, and props up the dummy.
  10. Blake: hmm I see
  11. Artemis: *Before I actually leave the room* I know... But everyone is in there own way...
  12. Artemis: I may be mad.. But all the best people are... *Walks away the blood dripping from my chin*
  13. Arktum: -talks into my earpiece- Blake, how u guys holding up?
  14. Jess:

    She shrugs. "I guess. But smashing your head up probably isn't the smartest idea," she replies, rolling her eyes and laughing before turning back to the dummy. After shooting once off target, she shot it in the head.
  15. Artemis: *Smiles and walks away* Maybe your right.. *Wiping the blood from my head*
  16. Roison looks at Artemis, "you're fine, you won't die."
  17. Blake: because of the distress signal we can't get in
  18. Artemis: I know mate... Here... *Gives you the earpiece I was using to listen to ark and Blake. You may want to hear this, apparently they are in some sort of situation. *Walks off*
  19. Roison looks at the earpiece, then puts it in carefully.