Sun City RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Southern_Angel, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. Artemis: *Frowns* Shame they can't really do much to stop that, but we need to keep them down for as long as possible, we need to make sure the security system for that building is active. *Points to a picture of the building they were attempting to hack*
  2. "I told you it was a complex case." Roison mouths at Jess. She speaks up "chill your beans Artemis before I kill you." Roison says with her face deadly serious. "We have one cause alone. That is to make the other two gangs slip up and land in the arms of the police. Do I make myself clear?" Roison half shouts to get his attention.
  3. Artemis: I forgot to tell you... I saw the president yesterday... His daughter was in hospital...
  4. Arktum: order from wherever..I think we need some fun -gives a small smile, then it disappears-
  5. Robyn cringes as she knows what Roison would do "you did not listen to a word I just said. We know that already as we have a very close source." Roison slams her hands down either side of the laptop and looks Artemis in the eyes "we are getting as many of the other gangs members in jail as we can. We have a friend focused on the president already."
  6. Artemis: What do you want for me....
  7. "We need a way to get the other gangs members slipping up in a way that it seems they made a mistake." Roison says quietly, not moving any other muscle. "Comprendi?" She says before straightening up. "One more thing," she hands him a fiver, "we need more bow string as someone decided to cut the last bit."
  8. Artemis: Actually... I have a new custom bow with a laser sight on it. Take that if you wish. A few explosive tips in there too.

    Slipping up aye, I could divert every bit if cash they transfer to our account, thinking that they are putting it in there's.
  9. Jess:

    She sighs, turning her music up. 'He tries too hard. It's annoying.' She thought, wincing.
  10. "You asked if there was something you can do, and that is get more bow string. Otherwise people wouldn't think that custom bow is a prop. I got away with carrying this bow and these arrows on the street with this costume on. So go get more string..." Roison says placing the bow on the laptop.
  11. Artemis: *Nods getting up and walking outside* I need to keep listening to what they say..
  12. Roison smiles when he walks out and Robyn stands up. She gives her sister a high-five before giving her a hug. "Well he seems over enthusiastic..." Robyn comments making Roison laugh.
  13. Artemis: *After a little while I walk back in and my hair is completely different and I'm holding a crate full of guns and bow strings* Here....

    *Goes to find your training room*
  14. Roison raises an eyebrow and sets the crate on the table. She redoes the bow string, testing it a couple of times without an arrow. Robyn stares at the guns and randomly comments "his hair looks ridiculous."
  15. Artemis: *Smiles a bit and tests the new mic system I set up* You do know I can here everything your saying *My voice coming from roys laptop.
  16. Artemis: *Puts on a bit of a stern voice* If you think it looks ridiculous then sort it out for me yourself. Make me look like your perfect solider. Oh and one last thing, the gun at the bottom of the box, found it. Turns out, it's the presidents custom pistol. Use it well...
  17. Roison sits in front of the laptop "just one thing. Don't mock my sister, she has a mental age of a nine year old. She comes out with random comments, get used to it." She disables the system as she doesn't want him randomly talking to her when it isn't needed. Roison sighs as she gets her dagger from the wall and tucks it in the belt of her costume. She rests her head on the table, tired and aggravated.
  18. Artemis: *Sorts out my hair back to normal, and then plugs my headphones into my phone, pulls out my pistol and starts practicing my shooting skills, while keeping calm and listening to music*
  19. Artemis: *Gets angry and throws my sword at the target* Damn it! How am I meant to prove my worth!
  20. Jess:

    She messes about on her phone for a while before standing up. She went over to where she'd left her bag, getting out her gun before heading to the shooting area. It was a new gun so she felt like practicing; shooting things was always fun anyway.