Dragon Lords Role Play (A Remake of the Remake)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -DDD_AccidentallyMe-, Jul 13, 2014.

  1. Amelia brings a hand up to Parker's cheek, kissing him back more. Quintus nudges Vesta and they go to the main clearing.
  2. Bane:

    Striking two rocks together, Bane sets the pile of sticks ablaze. His eyes trail over to where Danai is standing, a smile arcing across his face slowly.
  3. Jess:

    "Ew. I'm good..." She trails off, sighing quietly and looking away.


    She rolls her eyes, but swims happily. She loved the water, although her clothes were pretty soaked. She swam underwater for a while, a few sea creatures looking at her curiously.
  4. Parker: what do you want to do now?

    Virgil: -he grins-weakling

    Colt: you like the water?
  5. Jess:

    "Are you a vampire?" She asks, looking nervous suddenly. Vampires creeped her out.


    She raises her head out of the water, her hair sticking to her head. "Yeah, always have," she calls to him, smiling.
  6. "I don't know..." Amelia says quietly.
  7. Virgil: I'm a human

    Colt: well that's good
  8. Jess:

    "Why do you drink blood then?" She asks, wrinkling her nose. "It's grim."


    "Yeah... Do you?" She asks, treading water so she doesn't sink.
  9. Virgil: I don't, it's just to torture people

    Colt: yeah

    Parker: anything you have in mind?
  10. "Not really..." Amelia twirls some of her hair around a couple of fingers. Saf climbs down the tree sits beside Amelia and Parker, "sooo, what are you guys talking about?" She asks.
  11. Jess:

    "Ah... So kind," she mutters sarcastically, looking away and frowning. She needed to get out but she didn't know how.


    "Then go in the water then," she says laughing. "It's not that bad," she replies with a smirk, swimming towards the side.
  12. (Did I miss anything important?)
  13. Parker: what?-he looked at her confused-

    Virgil: you still want to escape?

    Colt: -using the wind, he jumped up and came crashing into the water-
  14. Saf looked at Parker, blinking a couple of times "I was just wondering what you were talking to my sister about." She stands up pulling Amelia with her. Amelia mouths sorry to Parker and she loosens herself from her sister's grip to curl up against Quintus, Saf done the same thing, but against Vesta.
  15. Parker: -he grabbed his wrist with one hand, his eyes turning red-nothing really, I was about to ask her if she wanted to go destroy some Natas?-he voices sounded deeper and different than usual-
  16. Amelia stood up and ran back to Parker, kneeling in front of him. She takes his hands before she notices his eyes "what's wrong?"
  17. Jess:

    "Well yeah. No offence dude, but I don't really fancy blood soup."


    She laughs, backing away slightly as water splashes in her face. "Told you it was fun," she says with a small smirk.
  18. Parker: so you must be Amelia?-he stood up-

    Colt: eh I like waterfalls better

    Virgil: most of the blood are from former prisoners
  19. Amelia's eyes widen and she stumbles backwards slightly so she is sat on the ground.
  20. Jack:

    He walks into the woods, dropping his valuables down his hole. He puts his pickaxe in his bag.