"Did you want something to eat?" Amelia asks, feeling her sister's eyes boring into her back. Quintus turned his head as Vesta approached. "Holly! Its so nice to see you!" Vesta says as Quintus shakes his head "the accident." "Oh yeah, I forgot." "Well so did they.." Quintus mutters.
Jess: "Screw you then," she mumbles. "I'm bored," she declares a few moments later, trying to loosen the chains which were digging into her wrists. Beth: "Okay," she replies, smiling slightly. She looks at the water, a grin spreading across her lips. "I wanna try something..." She says, more to herself as she heads over to a tree by the water. She scrambles up, pulling herself onto a branch high up. Carefully she moves across until she's standing over the lake, planning on diving in.
Virgil: I'm not suppose to be fun Colt: -he watched her- Holly: Vesta Parker: 3 dragons only missing Sephiroth in the group
Amelia, Quintus and Vesta looked at Parker, but out of the three, Amelia was confused. She thought for a moment. "Oh Colt's dragon..." She mutters.
Parker: the four of them included made the world tremble when they were free to fly by the clouds including destroying enemies until they were only contracted by their master
Jess: "Rules are made to be broken dude, so how about the bacon?" It was worth a try, even if she was probably too obsessed with bacon. Beth: Using a ribbon, she ties up her hair in a bun before looking down at the lake. "Mhm, I'm probably going to regret this," she mumbles. Laughing, she jumps down of the branch, doing a flip before landing in the water, sending out a large splash.
Quintus smiles "ahh the good ol' days." Amelia nods, resting her chin on her hand which was propped up on her knee.
"What's wrong with Saf?" Quintus asks Vesta, making Vesta look at Amelia. Quintus nods, "it was good for all four of us."
Jess: "Or bacon," she adds. "Plus soup's dull," she complains, wondering if he left if she could escape. Beth: She emerges from the water a moment later, laughing. "I feel like a snowman right now. But it's fun, you should try it!" She goes under water again, using her magic so she'd be able to stay under for longer.
Virgil: I could just put blood instead of soup Colt: nah I will stay here Parker: -he stood quiet trying to recollect some information he was given but he couldn't remember what it was-
Amelia stands up and plants a kiss on his forehead "you've done brilliant to remember that yourself." She whispers.
Parker: yeah I sometimes remember things that Holly told me when I first became her master but there's certain information that I know but can't figure out or remember fully
"Shush don't pressure yourself, let it come back gradually." Amelia says quietly again, sitting down in front of Parker.
Danai: *hugs her sister before letting go* "Thanks." Seraphina: *smiles at Danai* "At least you're not as stoic as you were before."